
.NET Framework
to .NET Migration

There are many benefits to migrating applications to the new, high-performance, cross-platform .NET, but your organisation might have millions of lines of code across ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF and WCF, and starting the process of migration can seem impossibly daunting.

RendleLabs can work with you to analyse your solutions and provide valuable advice on planning and executing a migration strategy that allows you to make the change while still adding features and delivering value to your customers.

We also offer a two-day workshop to get your engineers up to speed on modern .NET and migration best practices.

.NET Performance

Writing well-performing code is not just important for the responsiveness of your applications, it can also save you money on hosting services or data centre hardware. If your .NET solutions are slow or inefficient, we can help. We’ll review your code and identify opportunities for optimisation, work with your engineers to implement necessary changes, and make sure they’re aware of the underlying causes of problems and how to avoid them in future.